Our Christmas Mission

We have, through the grace of God, been continuing our mission trips to San Nicolas, Guatemala. God is doing His work there! We had a great trip in June and have another planned for December. By the way, if you have not yet seen our 2021 video on Mision Floresco, please take a look here

Each December trip (this will be our fourth!), we give a canasta to each of the families of San Nicolas. A canasta is a Christmas basket. In the past they have included food items such as rice, beans, pasta, and eggs, as well as Christmas goodies. The families have been filled with incredible gratitude at the reception of these Christmas canastas.

This year, we will be continuing our tradition of giving each family a canasta; however, we have felt the Lord calling us to go a step further. For the first time, each canasta, in addition to food and gift products, will contain a Holy Bible–so that just as the Word of God came into the world on the first Christmas, the word of God will enter the world of San Nicolas this Christmas! Also for the first time, we are asking the body of Christ to lovingly support the families of San Nicolas in one of the following ways: 

  1. Write a letter to a family to be included in their canasta. If you do not speak Spanish, no worries–we will translate it for you. The letter can be as short or long as you wish. The main idea is to let them know that the mission team is larger than those they meet, that there are real individuals over here who care about them and are praying for them. If you would like to write a letter, please email it to info@flourishyourfaith.com. One way to personalize your letter would be to include a picture of you and/or your family so they have a face to put to the name on your letter. You could also ask for their prayers, which will let them know that they have something important to give as well! (Letters must be received by December 1st.)

  2. Sponsor a Bible or a canasta. $4 covers the cost of one Bible. $20 covers the cost of an entire canasta for a family. If you’d like to give even more, your $100 gift would provide canastas to five families. To donate visit flourishyourfaith.org/donate.

Thank you so much for supporting our December 2021 trip to San Nicolas! Even if you are unable to participate in one of these ways, please continue to pray for our mission team and for the families of San Nicolas. Thank you very much for your prayers and support. 


Ecumenism of the Spirit


The Fear of the Lord